Happy Kidz Canada has diligently supplied abundant sustenance to the underprivileged children residing at the Elise Mercy Orphanage in Gisenyi, Rwanda, guaranteeing their nutritional requirements are fulfilled for months. This initiative pays homage to the legacy of Mr. Elise Mercy, a dedicated advocate for the well-being of orphaned children in the community. Despite our efforts, the harsh reality persists: these children continue to lack essential provisions such as food, clothing, and mattresses. Our commitment to safeguarding children’s welfare extends beyond mere provision. It is our firm belief that no child should endure the pangs of hunger or deprivation.
We earnestly appeal to your compassionate spirit to join us in extending a helping hand. Your contribution today will ensure that these vulnerable children receive the care and resources they urgently require. We extend our sincerest appreciation to all our donors, volunteers, and supporters whose boundless generosity has provided solace to these precious souls.